uniform policy


To meet dress code requirements, YDMS students must present themselves in the approved uniform:


TOPS:  White or navy polo-style knit shirts (short or long sleeve); white oxford button-down shirts (short or long sleeve).  White middy blouses with plaid ties may also be worn by girls. The white middy blouse may be worn untucked. Logos on tops must not exceed 2x2 inch. Additionally, students may wear any approved YDMS spirit and YDMS sports t-shirt or sweatshirt.


BOTTOMS:  Khaki or navy pants, shorts, skorts or skirts. Pants must be uniform style and school appropriate. Solid colored tights may be worn under shorts and skirts of appropriate length. 


LENGTH:  Skirts, skorts, and shorts must be no shorter than 4” above the top of the knee.  Pants must not drag the floor and should sit on the natural waist of the student. 


TIGHTNESS: Students must be able to pinch one inch on the side of all shorts, skirts, skorts, and pants.    Excessively tight and stretch pants are not allowed


BELTS:  May be worn but are not required.


SHOES AND SOCKS:  They should coordinate with the uniform and not attract undue attention.  Flip-flops, backless shoes, house shoes and Crocs are not acceptable; shoes must have heel support for safety reasons.  Additionally, all shoes must be tied or fastened


OUTERWEAR: Waist-length jackets and coats of solid colors are acceptable at school. No trench coats, hoodies, jackets with hoods or oversized coats will be allowed


Any plain navy, gray, white, or black sweater/sweatshirt/vest is acceptable if worn over an approved school shirt. Sweatshirts with the YDMS logo may be worn.  All other logos must notexceed 3x3 inches. 


HEADWEAR: Students may not wear hats or scarves at any time during the school day. Any headwear worn because of religious reasons will be permitted.


ID’s – Student ID’s are a part of the uniform and should visible at all times. Students are not to alter or deface ID’s.